Monday, 16 March 2009

London Calling

With my brother-and-girlfriend here last week, we decided to play tourists a little ourselves. Living the cliche--although we have seen a good bit of Britain in the last 5 years, I don't actually have many pictures from London itself.  Spent a typically sunny Sunday walking from Westminster and Buckingham along the Thames, down to the Tower.  Oh, right, it pissed down rain all day, but you know, it's home. Had some beer and a huge Sunday roast lunch.

On Friday we had tea at Kensington Palace's Orangery, and saw the palace, and...had some beer and a huge Brick Lane curry.  

Packed the incredible shrinking backpack today just to remind myself how completely unrealistic my intended packing list is. Wearing hiking boots and carrying a bag that weighs roughly the same as a small car, I feel rather like I'm in someone else's life.  Have got four weeks from today to adjust to actually living Adventurous Monica's life. No doubt it will be much more glamorous and interesting and possibly smelly than Responsible Monica's!

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