Tuesday, 2 March 2010

End of (American) Days

21 January 2010

My birthday helpfully falls just when most people are out of money/energy/the urge to give a crap. Early January is not party time...but this year I got a real party for the first time in a few years, which was lovely (above). Brian John organized for cousins and aunts and uncles to meet up for dinner in one of my favourite places to eat, the restaurant Fork in Philly. Then a slightly-longer-than-anticipated walk back to Bob & Liz's amazing city house for drinks and Pandora and more uncles.

The two of us took the giant white Toyota down to DC next day, as David was due to start back to work in Reston. We managed to meet up with old friends for dinner at Anna & Craig's on the Sunday, then with another group at a Malaysian place called Penang (roti canai!) a few nights later.

Holed myself up in the Hyatt while he got back to the business of not being a lazy backpacker. Spent a day with Deirdre at Pentagon City buying ourselves matching trousers at the Gap. There really are things I miss about America. Lunch with the lovely Brett at a BBQ place, then I took David to Dulles and his trip home to London. Two more weeks to kill in NJ while he looks for a new flat and all.

Killing time in NJ with my cousin Cat, which mainly means making fruitcake and taking arty pictures of the Rancocas Creek and drinking at the White Eagle bar. Thrillingly, there was almooooost a fight between Steve and some guy who introduced himself initially as a fifth-generation Riverside man, and only secondly as Joe (see right!). Did manage to cut off the long blonde straw-like hair resulting from much too much fun this year. I know it was my idea, but I still don't like it. Cat dyed it for me so it wasn't two-tone any longer...instead, it is now 'Tweed'. Because your hair should really evoke damp, itchy wool, I always say. There will be no photographs of this.

Finally, on the 20th, my brother and mother drove me the distance up to Newark airport and sent me on my way home to London. I'm torn about this, as it really does mean it's all over. But it's also nice to be home to ale and pie. What a conundrum. New flat is gorgeous, right on the water, and I am happily sorting out our stuff for the forseeable future. Oh, must look for work. Yes, of course. And I suppose that's just about it. World Done.

The End.

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