Wednesday, 25 February 2009

To do...and do...and do...and do...

Trying to cross things off the slightly massive to-do list...but it just makes me want to take a nap. 

Must book more vaccinations...what are the realistic chances of getting Japanese Encephalitis, do you think? (And did you know that English people pronounce it en-kef-a-lite-is? WTF.) Must get another set of keys made for the estate agent. Must get landlords' insurance. Must set up a post-box to be our London address. Must write a boringly detailed inventory of absolutely everything in this flat...and, lord, we have a lot of crap for people who moved here with two suitcases and six boxes.

Ooh, and must buy a new little netbook to take. We may be having a transformative life experience or whatever, but we'll be hippies with access to Facebook, ebooks, and iTunes. At least this part will be fun...

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